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What are deposits?

Our working definitions will be to deliver and leave something. 

Everything in our lives are deposits.  There are positive deposits and negative deposits being made at all times.  It is up to each individual to assist in what you allow to be deposited in you.  Whatever you touch, whatever you look at, whatever you hear, deposits are being made.  Our deposits produce our fruit.  The Bible says we are known by our fruit...if the tree be good then it's fruit is good; if the tree be bad then it's fruit is bad.  This removes the saying don't judge me.  It's not judging you because your actions show me that you're a thief or a liar, then I will call you such.  A banana is called a banana because someone deposited a banana seed in the ground and in due time a banana came up.  Christians are allowing many things to be deposited in their hearts and minds that are not of God so when others look at them they see fake, half-hearted, hypocritical, carnal (fleshly) individuals.   This is a huge problem because a true follower, who has consecrated his/her life to Christ are fewer than those who "call themselves Christians"; as a result the majority accepts the carnal Christian because it is easier to be such a person.   If you think you are allowed to keep all deposits good and bad you are sadly mistaken.  It is no such thing as a good tree and bad fruit or bad fruit and good tree.  "Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit." (Matthew 12:33 KJV)

There are some leaders who are not making this point understood properly and one of the reasons why is because of what they are allowing to be deposited into themselves.  As a result they are depositing flawed doctrine into others.   My God!!  They are going to have to pay for this!  The bible so plainly lets us know that we are able to ask for wisdom if we lack it and God will give it to us liberally. (James 1:5)  In our asking it is the Holy Spirit that will bring us into the knowledge of all truth. (John 16:13)  My question is one that is logically answered but the answer is not easily accepted.  How are so many people missing it?  The answer is because they are not allowing Holy Spirit to do His job and they are attempting to hang on to their will and God's will as well.  This is a conflict that has now become an epidemic.  It is impossible to deposit clean water into dirt and still call it clean, just as you cannot take dirt and add clean water and still call it clean.  No matter how you attempt to do it your deposit is still dirty.  Filthy communications corrupts good manners.  Deposits that are not in line with the word of God pollute our righteousness and our sound doctrine is no longer sound.

There are many leaders who end up falling away from the faith, their first love, and all that is righteous, because of bad deposits.  God is looking for a church without a spot or wrinkle.  Well, depositing things in one's self that go against the word of God is like sprinkling rat poisoning on your food (just a little bit) every day.  No it does not kill you right away, but it sure will eventually.  The extremely sad part is that if you know that a leader isn't righteous in all his ways, why give him an excuse and why are you still following him.  It is time to stand up for what God says and let man know whomever he may be that what he may be attempting to deposit in you is not of God.  This isn't always possible to do for some because they don't pick up their bibles except when they are headed to the place where they get the corrupt and good deposits.  God has called us to press toward the mark for the high calling.  We are to increase in the ways of God by allowing Holy Spirit to make the deposits.  When we make the deposits without assistance, our deposits are tainted, corrupt, false, and anything but anointed. Anointed deposits produce perfection through Christ Jesus.  These are the deposits that produce miracles, signs, and wonders; all this did not stop in the bible days, nor was it just for the days of old.  It is for the believer!  We are not seeing this due to lack of faith.  When we accept deposits from God we can expect to grow in faith and love. 

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